Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Nicole confesses to Angelo that she wants to keep her baby.

Marilyn is like a train out of control steaming on ahead - talk about fixated on a baby which isn't even hers. She now seems to have no interest in Nicole's wishes or needs. She is turning into a bully. I can see Morag on the horizon now coming to save the day. It looks more and more likely that both Nicole and Sid will flee into the arms of Ru, just to get away from the sad, baby obsessed Marilyn.

Xavier is being a total toss pot. Well said Miranda he needs to hear a few home truths.

So Nicole wants Ru at the birth, would that be Ru and Marilyn or just Ru? Who is going to tell Marilyn that Nicole wants to keep her baby and how are they going to tell her? What will she do when she hears the news? Maybe she will go the same way April went.

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