Tuesday 15 February 2011

Always go with your gut instincts.

I always thought it was best to go with your gut instinct. So Detective Robertson is right to always do that in all aspects of his life. But how on earth could his gut instincts tell him that Alf killed Penn? That doesn't make a lot of sense, perhaps he was just too far removed from the circumstances and personalities. But at least he has a vulnerable side.
The real Shandi seems much nicer than the impostor. John Palmer seems a bit dazed by it all.
Will is still behaving as if he has a screw loose. Why would he jeopardize everything to protect a liar/impostor/out for what she can get type who he only met five minutes ago? And then tell the police that Alf  could be the culprit? Alf, who was extremely kind to him and gave him a job even when there wasn't really a job there. One could explain it that he fell for the charms of the fake Shandi, but isn't he supposed to be devastated about his wife leaving him?

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